Bathurst Chargers and Pacers - A Photographic History PLUS 2 Autographed photos.
This 160 page book features imagery of every Charger and Pacer that started in the 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 and 1973 Hardie Ferodo Bathurst races. The book is foreworded by Leo Geoghegan and has a good mix of colour and black and white images.
Includes 2 Individually Autographed photod signed by Leo Geoghegan. First is a black and white 1971 in Murrays corner and for second one the buyer has choice of either 1971 (white) or 1972 (orange). Advise on purchase. There are 6-7 remaining of each photo. Unused old stock.
Postage is $14.50 for one to four books.