A Pictorial Look at Murray Carter and his 70 Years in Motorsport. Hard Cover Book.
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A Pictorial Look at Murray Carter and his 70 Years in Motorsport. Soft Cover.
Ford Legends Print. Signed Allan Moffat, Dick Johnson, Bowe & Seton. Bathurst.
Moffat at the Mountain book. Hard cover. Numbered. Falcon GT HO, Mazda RX7, Sierra, EB.
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Bathurst Hardtop Falcons - A Photographic History.
Moffat at the Mountain - A Photographic History.
Hardie Ferodo 500 - 1971-1972. A Photographic History.
Bathurst Rotary Mazdas - A Photographic History.
Bathurst 500 - 1963-1964-1965-1966-1967.